Please note from 15 March 2024 any Australian Variable Rate changes to the All in One - Regulated Loan Standard Line of Credit will be made available on our website and in The Australian newspaper and any changes to the credit fees and charges to the All in One - Regulated Loan Standard Line of Credit will be communicated to you in writing and made available on our website click here for more information.

Rabobank warns of an increased risk of scam and fraudulent activity including fictitious emails regarding fake Rabobank Term Deposits. Protect yourself online

Our People - Georgia Twomey

Helene Gunn

Rural Manager, Launceston


  • Strong agriculture background so she can really relate to our clients
  • Favourite part of her job is being out on farm
  • Loves the idea that Rabobank has so much knowledge to share


What is your role here at Rabobank?

I am a Rural Manager so I work closely with our clients on their financial requirements. I grew up on a mixed cropping and livestock property 40 minutes from Launceston. After I finished my Ag Science degree I knew Rabobank was where I wanted to work.

How do you help our clients?

I work closely with our clients to make sure their banking needs are met as well as understanding their goals and aspirations. My farming background gives me a great base to relate to our clients and my banking experience (over 8 years) means I am well placed to assist with their requirements. My favourite part of the job is spending time outside on our client’s farms.

What makes Rabobank different for you?

I love the fact that Rabobank is totally agricultural focused. We have research analysts around the world and we can provide our clients with so much insight. I love the idea that we have this knowledge that we can share with them to help them make informed business decisions.