Sally Bull
Regional Manager, Riverina NSW,
- Assists rural managers in looking after needs of our clients
- Best part of the job is watching clients grow and prosper
- Highlight was taking clients to visit banks US grain farmers
What is your role here at Rabobank?
I joined Rabobank in Melbourne in 1997 and have been with the bank ever since I have worked as a rural officer, branch manager and also had a stint in the credit department in Sydney. I just love the clients and this job.
Today I am enjoying life in Wagga Wagga where I am Regional Manager for the seven branches in the Riverina region.
I love that we employ people who are motivated by agriculture and our clients. Everyone here is working for the best interests of our clients from our senior bankers through to our analysts. One of the highlights for me was the National Grains Tour where we took some of our clients to visit the banks global clients in the US. Where else can you get that experience?.
How do you help our clients?
My week involves getting on farm with our rural mangers assisting them to look after the needs of our clients and future clients. This is the best part about this job working with our clients and watching them grow and prosper.
What makes Rabobank different for you?
I love that we employ people who are motivated by agriculture and our clients. Everyone here is working for the best interests of our clients from our senior bankers through to our analysts. One of the highlights for me was this year’s National Grains Tour where we took some of our clients to visit the banks global clients in the US. Where else can you get that experience?