Internet and Mobile Banking will be offline for scheduled maintenance from 10pm Saturday 15 March to 6am Sunday 16 March 2025.
If you’d like to speak to us, we’re available Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 445 445.

Meet the Atherton Team

The Rabobank Atherton team are a close knit group with a passion for food and agriculture. Together they have over 154 years' experience in the agribusiness and finance sector and are involved in over 30 different crops and agricultural industries.

Community focused, our team enjoy getting involved in local industry events, such as the Malanda Show, All Breeds Youth Dairy Camp, and local Sugar Productivity Awards.  As part of their Community Leave Day, the team volunteered at TREAT (Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands). TREAT is a community-based tree planting group operating mainly on the Atherton Tableland.

Grow with us

The team spend a large amount of their time on the road providing one on one service, and like nothing more than visiting clients on-farm to help support their business goals.

We can help you plan for the season ahead, expand your farming business or improve your existing property. Just give us a call.

Gavin Kruger, Area Manager: 0437 561 435

Atherton Branch team

Agriculture paves Gavin’s global pathway

Atherton Area Manager Gavin Kruger moved his family from South Africa, with little more to his name than a passion for, and knowledge of, agriculture upon which to start his new life.

Agriculture paves Gavin’s global pathway

Queensland papaya grower has the taste for innovation

With fresh eyes and bold vision, Chris Maisel is helping drive innovation and efficiency across Australia’s horticulture industry.

RaboResearch Agribusiness Monthly

RaboResearch, our local food and agribusiness research and insights team, provide a monthly snapshot of the food and agribusiness sectors.

RaboResearch Agribusiness Monthly