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on 01/12/2022
In a region renowned for agriculture, and working with some of Australia’s most progressive farmers, Rabobank’s Albany team is continually inspired.
Focused on farmer success
Rabobank Area Manager Phillip Thompson said that with 25 per cent of the Great Southern Region’s ‘Gross Regional Product’ derived directly from agriculture, it was exciting to be with a bank that focused solely on farmers.
“In this area we have some of the oldest farms in Australia, dating back to the 1850s, plus some that were only developed in the early 1970s,” he said.
“Across some of the more recently developed areas, producers have had to adopt new farming practices to maximise returns, which has encouraged a culture of progression and early adaptation of technology.”
As such, Phillip said it was extremely rewarding working with farmers in the region and supporting their business goals, whether succession, business growth or increasing their off-farm income.
“Developing strategic plans with our clients is something that the whole team enjoys, and it’s wonderful to have long-term, stable relationships enabling the continuity required to see these plans evolve over the years.”
Local insight and ag experience
A passionate branch of six, Phillip said the vast majority of the team benefitted from having grown up on farms.
All, he smiles, except Phillip himself, who grew up in Busselton.
“I loved growing up in Busselton, and now love the Albany region,” he says. “I’ve been working in rural banking for 30 years, so I know the cycles, the challenges and the opportunities.”
With team members such as Rachel Bowman growing up on a farm at Tambellup and Simon Bigwood from a farm at Frankland River, he said local insights amongst the team were invaluable.
The newest member of the team, Andrew Wylie, brings a wealth of experience, having worked in farm management, agri banking and consultancy for over 20 years.
Partnering with local grower groups
Dedicated to contributing at a farm-gate, community and industry level, Phillip said Rabobank partnered with a number of grower groups to deliver meaningful knowledge.
“We’re proud of our long-term partnership with Stirling to Coast Farmers and Fitzgerald Biosphere Group to help support growers through innovation, with a focus on technology.”
Local Rabo Client Council initiatives such as Financial Skills Workshops, and a planned WorkSafe workshop also help build resilience and strength within the rural community.