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on 25/11/2022
Luke Andrews is the first to admit that a career in rural banking was never on his radar.
That’s until he was successful in gaining a Rabo Tertiary Pathways Scholarship during his final year of university.
Now, 18 months later, 25-year-old Luke is a full-time Rabobank relationship analyst embarking on a career that he admits has “well and truly exceeded all expectations”.
“I didn’t realise how many career opportunities and pathways there were within Rabobank, there are so many different opportunities, from the research side of things in the RaboResearch team, to client relationship focussed roles, to dedicated sustainability strategy roles through the bank’s sustainability team – there’s so much room to grow and move.”
It was whilst completing a post-graduate diploma at the University of Adelaide in 2021 when Luke was named one of seven successful recipients of a $15,000 Rabo Tertiary Pathways Scholarship, affording him the opportunity to intern at the Rabobank Adelaide branch.
With his studies specialised in sustainable agriculture and carbon farming, Luke said it was Rabobank’s strong cultural values and efforts in sustainability that inspired him to apply for the program.
“Having studied global food and agribusiness at University of Adelaide, I had a reasonable idea of how a bank worked, and while I knew Rabobank had shared values and vision for a sustainable future – the reality of the work around sustainable practices was really appealing.”
A $15,000 scholarship, he smiles, also didn’t go astray during his final year of studies.
It wasn’t long before he realised the program was so much more than just a six month learning opportunity.
“As soon as I started my internship something just clicked, and I knew this was the career for me.”
“The fact Rabobank rural managers work so closely with their clients, helping them achieve their farming enterprise goals, is a very rewarding career proposition, and this combined with opportunities to assist in sustainable agriculture locked in my decision to apply for a full-time job with Rabobank.”
Luke said a highlight of the program was having the opportunity to work on a carbon pilot, a trial developing a carbon calculator for grain and oilseed operations by working with clients to estimate their carbon emissions and sequestration potential through identifying crops and area grown, diesel usage and fertiliser rates.
“Having majored in sustainable farming, you just don’t know whether there will be a chance to put that learning into practice, so I feel exceptionally grateful to have had this opportunity.”
Kick-starting a career
Upon the completion of the program Luke was successful in gaining his relationship analyst role back in his hometown of Port Lincoln.
“Everything lined up perfectly, and I was so grateful to have secured a job straight out of university, in an industry I love and amongst really great colleagues and clients.”
One of the greatest benefits of completing the program, he believes, is the ease of transition between university and working life.
“For me, going from studying to full-time work was seamless – if I hadn’t completed the program, I think the transition into working life would have been more difficult.”
“Having had the work experience and a ready-made network made the transition from university to working really streamlined, and definitely jump-started my career.”
Luke recommended any final year students to ‘put their hat in the ring’ and have a go.
“The program is a great opportunity to narrow down and refine the areas you’re keen on, and gain genuine, on the ground experience.”
He also applauded the program’s research project, upon which he was able to call upon additional Rabobank staff and research resources.
“My research project was around carbon farming and sustainability, and now that I’m working with clients on the ground – many of whom are increasingly curious and have many questions regarding carbon – it’s a conversation I can genuinely contribute to and provide insight on.”
“I am grateful for the opportunity I had through the Rabobank Tertiaries Pathway Scholarship, and am enjoying work with the Rabobank team here in Port Lincoln.”