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Explore one of the world's leading agricultural regions

South America Grains Tour 2019

1 September – 14 September 2019

Join us on a unique study tour through the South American grains heartland to gain insights to the increasingly competitive global grains market. Meet with leading Rabobank clients and supply chain partners from across Argentina and Brazil to learn about local production methods and innovations, supply chain developments, markets and emerging technologies.

Tour Highlights

This tour commences in Buenos Aires where we will then travel through the Argentinian grain growing regions of Cordoba and Rosario before heading back to Buenos Aires and then onto Brazil. Here the tour will focus on the powerhouse state of Brazilian grains and oilseed production, Mato Grosso, with the tour wrapping up in Sao Paulo.

  • Engage with Rabobank’s leading farming clients in Argentina and Brazil
  • Spend time on-farm with local wheat, soybean, barley, cotton and maize farmers
  • Hear about the latest developments in AgTech in South America
  • See the infrastructure assisting Argentina to rival Australia for the mantle of largest southern hemisphere wheat producer and exporter
  • Tour Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario, Argentina’s main grain exchange
  • Visit Renova, the world’s largest oilseed crushing facility
  • Visit the powerhouse grain production state of Mato Grosso, Brazil
  • Meet with farmers in Brazil facing similar challenges when it comes to crop management, foreign investment and environmental management
  • Build networks with local and global grain farmers, Rabobank staff and RaboResearch analysts

You will learn about:

  • Efficiencies - What are South American farmers doing to increase yields, lower costs and chase value in markets?
  • Sustainability - How are Argentinian and Brazilian grain and oilseed farmers pursuing sustainability, and what are the future challenges they face?
  • Technology - What are the current and emerging innovations that will contribute to greater efficiencies, better produce and profit for South American grain and oilseed producers?

Do you have any questions?

Please contact Will Banks, Manager of Knowledge and Networks, Rabobank.