If you’d like to speak to us, we’re available Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 445 445.

Literacy or Language Barriers

We are an inclusive bank and will support you a variety on internal or external support services so you can maintain access to banking.


If you require literacy support, we will work with you to provide communication in a format that best supports your needs. This may include working to identify an appropriate support person to facilitate understanding, look for appropriate communication methods to facilitate understanding.

If you require language support, we will with NAATI accredited translators to facilitate your secure access to banking services.

If we cannot refer you to external support (e.g., if an interpreter is unavailable), we will inform you of alternative support options, such as rescheduling a call when a qualified interpreter is available.

Additionally, if our staff are fluent in your preferred language, we are happy to converse with you in that language.

The Australian literacy and numeracy foundation can be contacted on 02 9362 3388 or there are state based providers that can provide support.

Email: hello@alnf.org