Internet and Mobile Banking will be offline for scheduled maintenance from 10pm Saturday 29 March to 6am Sunday 30 March 2025.
If you’d like to speak to us, we’re available Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 445 445.

FAQs - Security

You can change your Debit card PIN number by visiting your local branch or CashCard ATM

The payments industry will be temporarily increasing the contactless card PIN limit from $100 to $200 to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission by reducing physical contact with the payment terminal.

The new $200 limit will be progressively introduced across certain retailers starting in early April 2020.

The increase in the contactless limit is consistent with similar increases implemented or under consideration in other countries in response to COVID-19. Increasing the limit to $200 means that fewer people will need to touch the payment terminal when paying for purchases up to $200.

The new temporary limit is being rolled-out progressively and will be available at certain retailers. You can ask the retailer whether the new limit is available and will also know at the time of payment by the PIN pad prompts.

If the new limit has been introduced at the retailer, you will be prompted to tap your card for purchases up to $200, and NO PIN will be required. If the new limit is not available at a certain retailer, you will still be prompted to enter your PIN for purchases over $100.

At all times, follow the PIN pad prompts.

You must not share or disclose your Username, PIN, Mobile Device, Token or Token Code with a third party. Do not provide remote access to your computer while you are logged into internet banking. You may be held liable for any transactions that occur on your account as a result of sharing your Login information.

We will continue to monitor your account through our fraud systems and alerts. It is vital that you continue to keep your card safe at all times to protect against theft and check your account often. If you lose your card or have any concerns about unauthorised transactions on your account, please contact Client Services Monday - Friday 6am - 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 025 484.


More information can be found at:

The new $200 limit is a temporary measure in response to COVID-19. It is expected the limit will remain in place for a period of time and may be extended if necessary, based on Government advice.

3D Secure 2.0 is an enhanced protocol (a set of rules), that improves on the previously utilised 3D Secure 1.0 (also known as Verified by Visa). This protocol provides additional protection for both merchants and debit card customers when payments and purchases are made online.

The prevention of online fraud is of the upmost priority to visa, its merchants, clients and providers. This protocol is used to authenticate cardholder transactions during online payment processing, similar to entering a PIN for an ATM or EFTPOS transaction.

A transaction using 3D Secure 2.0 will initiate a redirect to the website of the card issuing bank to authorize the transaction. A password-based authorisation is then required. This means that for some online purchases, our clients will receive a unique code / password to their registered mobile phone, which is then required to be entered into the Merchant website to authenticate the transaction.

The concept of the protocol is to tie the in-person financial authorisation process with an online authentication. This authentication is based on a three domain model (hence the 3D in the name). The three domains are: (1) Acquirer Domain - the merchant and the bank to which money is being paid, (2) Issuer Domain - the bank who issued the card being used (3) Interoperability Domain - the infrastructure provided by the debit or credit card scheme to support the 3D Secure protocol.

On 15 April 2020, the 3D Secure 2.0 security protocol will come into effect.

Never follow links to reach internet banking. Type into the address bar of your browser or save the URL into your browser favourites, This way you can be sure that you are accessing our secure site.

Make sure you turn on automatic updates for the operating system, software and apps on your computer, this will ensure that you are able to access the latest security features. Always make regular back-ups, so that you can recover your data if your files are damaged or deleted.

If you have a security issue with Rabobank internet banking you can call our Internet Banking InfoLine on 1800 640 442 (between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, Sydney time).

Each time you log into internet banking you will be presented with a Welcome back message, which includes the last date and time you accessed the system. After logging into internet banking it is always a good idea to check your most recent transactions.

Avoid using free wifi or public computers to access internet banking, as they do not provide a secure internet environment. Try to stick to computers you own or control in order to protect your internet security.

Always make sure that you securely logout of internet banking by pressing the logout button, never walk away from your computer while you are logged into internet banking.

Always check for the padlock symbol in the address bar when you access internet banking, this confirms that you are using a secure site.

You will be sent a 6 digit code to your mobile device that you will need to use to authorise the transaction.

You will be redirected to a Visa / Rabobank transaction authorisation screen, where you will be required to enter the code that would have been sent to your registered mobile device.

Yes, it is strongly recommended your computer has anti-virus software and a firewall installed, as this provides a layered approach that offers the best online protection.

Visa has introduced 3D Secure 2.0 to help reduce online fraud. In return, they require all financial institutions to support the security for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders, especially card holders.

This will only happen if you purchase something online and the 3D Secure 2.0 security considers your transaction inconsistent or suspicious.

The Visa 3D Secure 2.0 might have deemed your transaction as inconsistent and has prompted you to authorise the transaction. If the authorisation fails, the transaction will be declined.

Also if your mobile number is not registered with Rabobank, your online transaction will be automatically declined.

Please call Rabobank Monday - Friday 6am - 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 025 484. We will assist to get this transaction authorised and also we will make sure your mobile number gets registered so that you are advised on your next online debit card purchase.

If you call us out of hours, you will be redirected to Orion who can assist to get this transaction authorised. You will still need to call Rabobank during business hours to make sure that your mobile number gets registered so that you are advised on the next online debit card purchase.

Please call Rabobank Monday - Friday 6am - 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 025 484. We will make sure your mobile number gets registered so that you are advised on your next online debit card purchase.

Please call Rabobank Monday - Friday 6am - 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 025 484. We will advise you on your next online debit card purchase.

No. All Visa Debit Card holders with Rabobank will be enrolled in this security upgrade free of charge.

As the user will be unable to authorise the transaction via the new protocol, the transaction will be declined.